Cabrio City Coupe

Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI

Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI

Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI    Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI
Starter Motor for Smart Cabrio City-Coupe Cabrio/Coupé 450 451 0.8 CDI. This product is compatible with various locations including Faroe Islands, Greenland, Livigno, Campione d'Italia, Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Sint Eustatius, and Sint Maarten.

It is compatible with Smart Cabrio 450 0.8 CDI, Smart City-Coupé 0.8 CDI, Smart Fortwo Cabrio 450 451 0.8 CDI, and Smart Fortwo Coupé 450 451 0.8 CDI. The part number and OEM are 0051513801, 00515510101, A0051513801, 0001477V006, and A6601510101. The product has a 12V voltage and 1 KW starting power with nine teeth and a 70mm flange diameter. The product has a two-hole mount and rotates clockwise.

It comes with a 2-year manufacturer's warranty for manufacturing defects. The product is made of high-quality materials for durability and longevity. Professional installation is recommended, accessories are included, and customers should confirm their original part number before purchasing. Tuningsmarket products have a 24-month warranty, and the company may investigate any claims made under the warranty.

The product is shipped within one day of purchase, and delivery takes approximately 3-5 days for most areas of France. Additional shipping fees may be required for buyers in affiliated islands of France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and other locations. The product is not compatible with wear and tear, intentional damage, negligence, mishandling, incorrect assembly, abnormal operating conditions, misuse, modification, or repair without approval from the manufacturer. Customers should contact the seller for any questions or concerns.

Payment can be made through various modes, and the order is shipped within one day after payment is confirmed. Customers cannot modify the order after payment, and the seller is not responsible for undelivered or defective items.
Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI    Starter Motor for SMART CABRIO CITY-COUPE Convertible / Coupe 450 451 0.8 CDI